Hypnosis to help insomnia
Most people at some point in their lives suffer insomnia or some other form of sleep disorder. This can be difficulty getting to sleep, or waking up too soon. Most people who wake during the night usually do this between 3 and 5, or early in the morning, well before the alarm goes off. You then find you’re to get back to sleep, or sleeping restlessly and fitfully. You may find that such problems start, or get worse, when you’re busy or at times of stress and anxiety.
Inability to sleep is worsened when you are experiencing stress, anxiety and depression. This is because it is hard to switch off from your thoughts. You may be anxious about what has happened in the day, or what might happen tomorrow or in the future. You may have worries about your health, school, college or work, money, or your relationships. Or perhaps you are just worried because you can’t sleep!
Insomnia and Sleep Disorder
Insomnia can be caused by worrying about not sleeping
You may also be worrying about the effects of having no sleep. This anxiety itself is enough to stop you from sleeping. The more you pressure yourself to sleep well, the more tense you become. When you constantly search for a cure for insomnia cure, the more your levels of worry increase. And this stops you from sleeping.
Even if you usually sleep well you can find that you can’t sleep the night before an exam, or before an early start to get to the airport. It’s the same before a big occasion like a wedding.
It may be worrying and thinking about other problems in your life which stop you from getting to sleep. This is because you can’t stop thinking about these things. Or perhaps there was something which had been worrying you but is now resolved. However, because sleeping’s been difficult for a while, you worry that you’ll never sleep well again.
TRYING to sleep never works
Falling asleep should be the easiest thing in the world. But when you’ve had problems sleeping, this causes you to really try to get to sleep. Whilst this feels like the natural thing to do, unfortunately it just doesn’t work. The more you make an effort to do something the more you tense up. And it’s impossible to fall asleep when you are tense. Hypnotherapy teaches you to switch off, to become very deeply relaxed and to let go and fall asleep. It teaches you to focus away from – not towards – stressful, anxious thoughts.
Insomnia causes increased anxiety
During deep sleep, the part of the brain responsible for thought, memory, and language goes into recovery mode. If you have insomnia, then the brain doesn’t have sufficient opportunity to process and recover from the day’s events. This means that your difficulty sleeping can make you feel increased irritation and anxiety about other stressful events.
Why hypnotherapy? Can't I just take a pill?
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy offer a safe and effective insomnia cure. Unlike with prescription or over-the-counter drugs to aid sleep, there are no short-term side affects. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed after your night’s sleep. You’ll avoid feeling as if you’re still in sleep mode, sluggish and unable to concentrate.
Hypnotherapy for sleep also avoids the long-term problems found with sleep medicines, either. These include dependency, and an inability to stop taking the remedy. Though these medicines can work short term, your sleep problems will probably re-occur if you stop taking them.
Hypnosis and relaxation remain just as effective over time in aiding sleep as they are when you first use them. In fact, the more experienced you are in using hypnosis and relaxation to aid sleep, the better you become at it. This is exactly the opposite effect to that of sleep medicines and drugs, which work less and less well as time goes on.
Insomnia can be caused by worrying about not sleeping
You may also be worrying about the effects of having no sleep. This anxiety itself is enough to stop you from sleeping. The more you pressure yourself to sleep well, the more tense you become. When you constantly search for a cure for insomnia cure, the more your levels of worry increase. And this stops you from sleeping.
Even if you usually sleep well you can find that you can’t sleep the night before an exam, or before an early start to get to the airport. It’s the same before a big occasion like a wedding.
It may be worrying and thinking about other problems in your life which stop you from getting to sleep. This is because you can’t stop thinking about these things. Or perhaps there was something which had been worrying you but is now resolved. However, because sleeping’s been difficult for a while, you worry that you’ll never sleep well again.
Hypnosis teaches you to relax and forget your worries
Hypnotherapy will teach you various ways to relax quickly and easily. You’ll learn to switch off from intrusive and troubling thoughts, anxiety, and stress. You will be taught to practice self-hypnosis to aid sleep. Being able to put yourself into a deep state of relaxation will help your sleep. But you’ll also be given hypnosis specifically to help you learn how to get to sleep quickly and easily, and to stop worrying that you can’t.
Rules to help you sleep better
The rules of “sleep hygiene” will also be explained to you. These are the basic rules you need to follow to ensure good sleep. These include not drinking caffeine, not using the bedroom for working on your PC or phone, and getting up after 20 minutes if you can’t get to sleep. Perhaps the most important sleep hygiene rule is keeping a strict routine. This means getting up and going to bed at the same time each day, including weekends. You shouldn’t sleep during the day.
With the help of hypnosis, you will be able to quickly get into the habit of easily falling into a relaxing, refreshing sleep. And after the treatment stops, you will have learnt the methods and techniques of falling asleep naturally. So you can then use this knowledge if insomnia is ever a problem again. You’ll never again have to face the day having had no sleep.
Helping your sleep will help other things too
In addition, the ability to relax quickly and easily will help you in numerous other situations. You’ll find it easier to cope with exam nerves, driving tests, public speaking, and social situations. You’ll also find it easier to cope with day to day irritations. A relaxed state of mind enables you to shrug things off and to avoid getting small problems out of proportion.
Take that step to better sleep
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