Sports Performance

When your ready to think like a winner and also play like a winner
Hypnosis has historically been used by sporting competitors at all levels and is an incredibly powerful tool for athletes for both therapeutic and performance-enhancement purposes. Athletes try many different ways to help enhance their performance in sports and one extremely effective method commonly used is hypnotherapy.

Many successful sports professionals use some form of visualisation or hypnotherapy for sports performance and many seek the help of a clinical hypnotherapist or sports psychologist to assist in their mental preparation. While these two modalities have much in common clinical hypnotherapists directly influence the subconscious mind which controls learnt behaviour such as sporting skills, muscle memory, mental focus and other vital elements of sports performance.


You may be a dedicated, talented sportsman who has achieved a measure of success in your chosen sport. However, in spite of these successes, you know in your heart that you have not lived up to your potential to make a really significant mark in your chosen sport. You could be one of many promising sportspeople with huge potential, who have never achieved any real major successes over time.
Your psychological make-up, a particular mindset, and thinking strategies, could be the deciding factor between you becoming an outstanding athlete, or staying as you are, and allowing your potential to slip away.

If you know that you still have untapped potential, and want to be more than just a gifted athlete, then it is up to you to take up the challenge to become exceptional. You need to make a decision on the goal you want to attain, and then commit to concentrating all your focus on getting there.
Many celebrated, great sportspeople, among them Olympic Gold Medallists, national champions, and other noteworthy athletes, set goals for themselves to achieve greatness – and have made it happen.

hypnotherapy sports performance
hypnotherapy sports performance
hypnosis performance anxiety saddleworth oldham
hypnosis performance anxiety saddleworth oldham
Entering the ring as a Winner or a Loser can determine the outcome of a fight

Fear of falling is sensed by your horse, why should he jump when you’re not confident you can both make it


A golfer’s focus wandering to previous poor shots or games, even intimation, can be triggered by the smallest of mistakes, sounds, even perhaps smells.

@Oneness Hypnotherapy we can help you to change your thinking and therefore your response before it becomes an issue. If it has become an issue, we can rewind to your former glory days when your sports performance was more desirable.

Hypnotherapy for sports performance

Excellence in sport is usually due to intensive training – doing the same thing over and over again. This is a repetitive, conscious method of honing your skills and working on your fitness, which does not add to self-confidence or self-belief.  

We can help you use hypnotherapy for sports performance to combine the two minds, and the merged resources allows you to use practised skills with unbelievable confidence together with creative visualisation techniques to maximise your performance in many ways:


Listed here are the main areas where hypnosis can benefit both sportspeople, as well as their coaches.

Better all-round performance.

  • Improved sensory perception of the game or event.

  • Bring latent abilities to the fore, by redefining limiting beliefs.

  • Make better use of anticipation skills which can allow you to get into position to respond, or play a return shot.

  • Heightened concentration and focus on the game.

  • Get full value from your training

  • Improve your overall performance

  • Capitalise on the muscle memory effect

  • Increase your endurance

  • Program sports success

  • Lose or gain weight

Self-confidence and self-belief.

Great champions, even when they are on the verge of losing, never discard the impression of self-confidence and self-belief. This natural attitude of confidence is not something they have to keep whipping up – it is deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind, and merges automatically into the conscious mind.

  • Overcome pre-competition nerves

  • Learn to focus your attention instantly

  • Overcome distractions

  • Develop mental stamina

  • Increase your motivation and;

  • Feel and become more confident.


Healing and pain control techniques.

Hypnotherapy can teach athletes how to control pain when under stress, which can help them push through to the end of the game.

In a similar manner, the body, through the power of the mind, can also be taught ways to speed up the recovery period from injuries.

The hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment for sportspeople can considerably enhance your performance, greatly improve your confidence, and put you firmly on the road to reaching your full potential in your chosen sport.

Ready to live up to your true sporting potential with hypnotherapy for sports performance and flow state hypnosis? 

If you are a sportsperson who is finding it difficult to reach your full potential, you may be wondering if hypnosis could help you improve your performance.

The answer is yes it can! @Oneness Hypnotherapy we will create a program individual to your needs that will change the way you compete and bring out your potential. Use the contact form to arrange a FREE consultation on How we can support you, achieve your goals.

hypnotherapy sports performance
hypnotherapy sports performance

Hypnotherapy can help you overcome longstanding mental blocks

Many athletes are aware of issues that are causing them problems but are unable to overcome them without professional help.  Using clinical hypnosis, sports performance can be improved without performance enhancing drugs, and it is perfectly legal and accepted in all sports as a valid form of sports preparation.


If you want to perform at your best we have the experience to help you get there. @Oneness Hypnotherapy we will create a program individual to your needs that will change the way you compete and bring out your potential. We have worked with athletes from many sports disciplines to improve competition and personal gains.

There are processes available that can take your dream, and make it into reality.

Here are some principles you can apply to help you achieve your goal.

Decide exactly what you want.

It's important to know precisely what you want, and to focus on moving towards getting there. If you know exactly what you want, your subconscious mind will play a role in helping you reach your goal, without you relying just on sheer will power.

Know why you want to reach the goal.

When you strive to reach a goal, there will often be challenges and difficulties in your way. You will be able to overcome obstacles if you have compelling reasons for wanting to attain your dreams. Make certain you know just why reaching your goals is so important for you to accomplish.

Set a realistic time frame.

Goals need to have a deadline, but setting an unrealistic time frame may cause you to lose motivation. Keep moving forward each day by taking a few small, positive steps. Reaching a goal is part of a journey, so stick to a plan of action, and you will get there. There is no reason to break any speed limits.

Keep track of your progress.

Make a note each day of where you are, and compare it with where you were yesterday. Make no other comparisons, and if you have a setback, devise a plan to deal positively with it.

Live in the moment.

Do not allow any past, negative instances in your personal history to limit you achieving your highest potential in the future. When you live in the moment, all that old stuff goes out with the tide and is dispersed in the sea, never to trouble you again. You are no longer a consequence of the past, when a complete new, positive future self comes into being.

Use your imagination.

There is nothing more powerful than imagination – the mind picture!  Use it every day to see yourself winning the marathon, setting a new 100 meter record, climbing that mountain, or whatever your goal or aspiration may be. If you fan the flames of desire, the fire will keep burning, and it will have a powerful impact on the outcome of your dreams.

Your goal must be achievable.

Only you can know whether your goal is actually attainable. If it is your plan to fly like a bird, it will never happen – because you don’t have wings, and nor can you get any! This is an over-the-top example, but it demonstrates the importance of identifying the real dream you are chasing, and its parameters in the realm of possibility.

The right mindset.

To reach your goal, you need to develop a persistent mindset to keep you committed as you move forward. Persistence is a mental process which helps you overcome difficulties when they arise, and prevents any inclination to give up and throw in the towel.

Be prepared to make sacrifices.

If there is something in life that you don’t have, but really want to acquire, it will require sacrifices to be made. This not only applies to material things, but includes matters of a personal nature such as self-improvement, like striving to reach your full potential on the sports field, and be the absolute best that you can be. Sacrifices you may be called upon to make, could arrive faster than you realise! So be prepared!

If you want to perform at your best we have the experience to help you get there. Use the contact form below to book youre free consultation, @Oneness Hypnotherapy we will create a program individual to your needs that will change the way you compete and bring out your potential.

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sprots performance hypnotherapy fitness